
Agar agar

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Agar agar is a gelling agent extracted from red algae, which is mainly used for setting jellies. Because gelatine is made from animal collagen, agar agar makes a viable vegetarian alternative. Agar agar has no scent, and doesn’t leave any colouration or residue. The ingredient is detectable only through the mouth-feel of the jellies once they set.

When gelatine is used to set jellies, they have such a low melting point, they literally melt in the mouth. When agar agar is used to set jellies, they have a higher melting point, meaning that the heat in diners’ mouths isn’t enough to melt the jelly. Agar agar is low in saturated fats, with a high mineral content. It’s often found in health food shops, or specialist vegan or vegetarian stores. Also look out for agar agar in the world food aisle of big supermarkets, or in a specialised Japanese section.

Whether using agar agar in strips, flakes or powdered form, it is activated by being boiled in liquid for five minutes. It is advisable to have high-accuracy scales when dealing with agar agar, because only a small amount is needed to set a large amount of liquid. If using powdered agar agar, then a chemist’s spatula is also advisable. Recipes will usually specify amounts, but for a standard set, about 0. 9g of agar agar will set 100ml of neutral liquid. The ratio should be increased to nearer 1.

3g when using acidic liquids like cranberry juice, lime juice or pineapple juice. Because agar agar is flavourless, the emphasis is on texture rather than taste. Agar agar will often be used to capture and set condensed savoury flavours, which go on a modernist plate, such as chef Adam Simmonds’ cucumber jelly or Matt Gillan’s soy sauce gel. The most traditional use of agar agar though, is using it to set a coconut milk panna cotta or pandan jelly. HTML5 game, therefore no download is necessary. The casual games portal on gameforge. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

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