
Alternative to psyllium husk in baking

3294 wp-embed-responsive theme-shopkeeper wc-braintree-body woocommerce woocommerce-alternative to psyllium husk in baking woocommerce-no-js woo-variation-gallery woo-variation-gallery-theme-shopkeeper woo-variation-swatches woo-variation-swatches-ie11 wvs-theme-shopkeeper-child wvs-theme-child-shopkeeper wvs-style-rounded wvs-attr-behavior-blur wvs-tooltip wvs-css wvs-show-label gbt_custom_notif wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-6. Meet the perfect blend of monk fruit extract and allulose.

This natural sugar replacement tastes, bakes, browns, and dissolves just like sugar does, and produces very soft, moist baked goods. Besti natural sweetener replaces sugar 1-to-1, but has zero calories, zero net carbs, and zero glycemic index. Use Besti monk fruit sweetener in place of granulated sugar for cooking, baking and topping! Besti monk fruit sweetener is the ideal blend of monk fruit extract and allulose.

Besti monk fruit sweetener is the perfect natural sweetener and sugar replacement! Monk fruit, also known as luo han guo, is a small Asian melon that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. Monk fruit extract is derived by crushing the fruit, then drying the juice into a concentrated powder that has no calories, carbs or sugar. Monk fruit extract is extremely sweet, which comes from an antioxidant in the fruit called Mogroside V. 150 and 400 times as sweet as sugar! Different brands of monk fruit extract come with different levels of Mogroside V, which affects how sweet they are and whether they have any aftertaste. Allulose is a natural sugar that we can’t metabolize , which means it tastes and acts like sugar without spiking our blood sugar.

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