
Angus ribeye

Access to this page has been denied because we believe you are using automation tools to browse the angus ribeye. The onion patty has real onion diced and mixed in to the burger. The bacon and cheese patty has real bacon bits and high temp cheddar cheese mixed in to the burger. 16-18oz, this steak is great for those withlarge appetites.

It gives you both a Strip Steak and a Filet Mignon. A great two person steak, but watch out guys, she will steal that Filet every time! Come in a Midwest Pride, all beef, coarse ground, and an Abbyland fine ground Pork and Beef. When the owners of Ribeye began their journey many years ago, their vision was to bring forward a premium dining experience for those who had never had the opportunity to experience this before in Manchester.

Manchester is in for a meaty treat as Ribeye Steakhouse will be opening its doors this June. Djafar Yousfi, the current head chef of Gran Cafe, will be taking the helm of the authentic grill-style eatery which will be housed in the expanding First Street development. Its All About The Food’ and pays homage to the very best beef from not only around the world but also our own shores. We have procured the best meats internationally. Monday to Thursday: 5pm – 10. Subscribe to our newsletter Welcome, we have been waiting for someone like you!

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