
Baked goods ideas

Puppy chow is a popular snack food in the US. The name comes from the fact they look a bit like dog food, but don’t worry, they taste great and are quick and easy to make. The typical puppy chow recipe usually baked goods ideas of cereal, peanut butter, chocolate, and butter.

Sweet but keto-friendly, this strawberry cream pie is a scrumptious and light dessert! Yes, strawberries have natural sugar in them, but as long as they don’t have any added sugar in them they will be fine to keep you in ketosis. I used frozen strawberries that do not contain any added sugar. Make sure to check the bags ingredients if you use frozen. Otherwise, you can certainly use fresh strawberries, especially if they are in season!

Zucchini in a dessert dish sounds very weird, I agree, but this keto crumble would actually be missing something without it. The zucchini mixed in with the top crumble part of this dish next to the blackberries, cinnamon, and almond flour make it actually taste like an apple or a pear, definitely not a zucchini. This dessert is one of my favorites! I love topping it off with whipped cream, but you could always use a sugar free ice cream instead! Get the Keto Academy Plan Today! The “Baked Goods market” report gives an impression of the various developments, open doors, and division patterns in the business as well as the competitive landscape.

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