
Benefits of lime water in the morning

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Calamansi juice is derived from the calamansi fruit, a variety of citrus fruit commonly called golden lime. Calamansi is also known as calamondin or Philippine lime, and scientifically known as Citrofortunella macrocarpa. May Help Control Cholesterol Levels Anecdotal evidence and some studies have found that this juice might help lower your cholesterol levels, which is an important step towards weight loss and avoiding metabolic syndrome. Can Boost Immunity Packed with vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients, calamansi juice has been used in folk medicine as an immune booster for generations.

It seems to have the potential to stimulate the production of white blood cells and counter the negative effects of free radicals, thanks to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. May Potentially Lower Acidity Despite the high levels of citric acid of this fruit, many people drink it as a soothing substance for the stomach. A study published in the Journal of International Oral Health throws light on the anti-inflammatory property of tannins from the rind of calamansi. Can Help Promote Collagen Production Vitamin C is a crucial element in collagen production, which is the compound needed to create every tissue in the body. May Aid in Diabetes Management After a a 2019 study published in the journal Biomolecules.

Can Play An Active Role in Weight Loss This tropical juice is legendary in folk medicine for its impact on weight loss, as are many lemon and lime-based juices. By increasing metabolic speed, this juice can improve passive fat-burning throughout the day, detoxifying the body and helping all your organ systems run more smoothly and function properly, aiding in calorie burn. Many people drink a glass of calamansi juice every morning to stimulate the body and achieve weight-loss goals. However, there is a lack of research to support these claims, and more studies are needed to examine the effects of this juice on weight management. Might Improve Respiratory Health The strong citric acid level in calamansi juice is considered by many cultures to cut through phlegm and mucus, where infections often live and propagate, while also soothing inflammation in the throat and respiratory tracts. Skin Care In Asia, people use calamansi juice on their skin as a natural bleaching agent. In addition to clearing the skin of blemishes or discoloration, it can also deliver antioxidants to the skin that prevents wrinkles and other signs of aging.

May Help in Body Detoxification Known for its ability to potentially stimulate urination and flush out waste from the kidneys, calamansi juice is thought by many cultures to be a powerful detoxifying agent. Moreover, it may also strengthen liver, kidney and gall bladder functioning helping you eliminate excess toxins. Calamansi Juice Recipe You can easily make calamansi juice at home, provided you have access to these exotic fruits. Outside of Southeast Asia, your best chance of finding these fruits is in specialty grocery stores or import stores. A refreshing, citrusy juice for a hot, summer day!

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