
Best thing at taco bell

Enter the terms you wish to search for. A Lexington, Virginia, man announced his intent to eat nothing but Taco Bell for 30 days straight as part of a health experiment, and he plans best thing at taco bell document his journey. Sam Reid posted a video in which he referenced an article published by Insider in 2016 that said Taco Bell is one of the healthiest fast food chains.

When the article was published, it stated was a reduction in the amount of sodium in all the food items on the Taco Bell menu and there was the option to order from the low-calorie “Fresco” menu, the high-protein “Cantina menu and a vegetarian menu. A man announced his intent to eat nothing but Taco Bell for 30 days and plans to document his journey in a short documentary. Above, the exterior of a Taco Bell location in New York City. This is not the first time someone decided to eat strictly from a fast food restaurant. Spurlock also cut back on the amount of exercise he did each day. He shared his experience in the documentary “Super Size Me.

Unlike “Super Size Me,” Reid said he plans to engage in regular cardio and weight training while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I’m setting out to eat nothing but Taco Bell for 30 days straight to see if it’s possible to actually become healthier while doing it,” he said. Reid told CBS affiliate station WDBJ that his hypothesis is that healthy fast food may help someone become healthier. I don’t think it’s so much about the type of food or the brand of food, but it’s about making healthy and informed choices when we eat,” he told the outlet. What Is Pink Sauce and Why Is It Trending on Twitter?

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