
Butcherbox turkey

Get fired up for pasture-raised, grass-fed and finished juicy burgers. All our animals are raised on non-GMO pasture where they roam and butcherbox turkey—no antibiotics, no hormones. Living right results in meat that’s richer in flavor and mountains more nutritious than conventionally raised meat. The Power of Co-op Grass Roots is a co-op working with over 40 small farms spanning from the rangeland of Oregon to Ozark Highlands Ecoregion of Arkansas to river-laced Mississippi.

Economically empowered, our farmers have bucked mid-20th century thinking and stepped away from industrial, chemical and pesticide-based agriculture with regenerative practices that heal the land. HEIFER USA Heifer USA is the U. Heifer International and an accredited Savory Global Network Hub. They have supported Grass Roots since 2014. Want to save the Monarch butterfly?

Categories: Steak