
Butternut squash ravioli sauce

How to Cook Butternut Squash: 3 Ways to Know! The sweet, nutty flavor butternut squash ravioli sauce butternut squash is wonderful in both sweet and savory recipes.

Roast it cut in half or into cubes for a caramelized flavor, or cook it in a pressure cooker if you’re short on time! Lori Rice is a food and beverage writer and photographer. Butternut’s slightly nutty, sweet flavor really comes out when the squash is roasted in the oven. When compared to other winter squashes such as pumpkins, butternut’s smooth skin makes it easier to peel and its smaller pockets of seeds are easier to clean out.

Here are three ways you can cook butternut squash! If you plan to puree your butternut squash, roasting the halves will give you the most flavor. When roasted, the flesh of the squash gets a caramelized flavor that will carry over to your final recipe, whether you are making a soup or filling ravioli. Prepare the baking sheet and preheat the oven: Cover a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.

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