
Cab bottom round steak

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You’ve invested in a beautiful beef roast and now we are here to make sure you are able to cook a perfectly amazing prime rib, tenderloin, or other large beef cut with this tutorial and prime rib recipe! Is there anything more festive, impressive, and luxurious than a big juicy beef roast? It’s easy to make outdoors and it definitely tastes better, but my prime rib recipe work fine indoors and for all types of beef roasts. Here’s how to cook a perfect prime rib or other beef roast. Do not use a roasting pan with a V shaped rack!

What happens when heat hits meat? Our goals Here are the benchmarks we will strive for. I will explain each in more later in the article. That’s medium rare, when it is no longer purple but deep red, and not yet pink. We want a lot of deep dark crunchy crust enriched by salt, herbs, and spices mixing with beef juices that are squeezed out by heat, and dried to a bark by the roasting process. We don’t want to struggle with removing a rack of bones at the table, we don’t want juice all over the tablecloth, and we don’t want to look more foolish than usual. If we can afford it, we will buy a prime rib, but others will work fine.

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