

Hook’s World Champion Colby is a washed curd cheese. This is the traditional way of making Colby and gives the cheddar’s little tiny openings and a sweeter flavor than a cheddar.

In traditional cheddar the lactose is not washed off and the starter bacteria that we add feed on the milk sugars changing the cheese to give it a more acidic flavor. This does not occur in our traditional Colby still made the same way we made it when we won the overall World Cheese Championship on it in 1982. Our Colby also took 3rd place at the American Cheese Society Competition 2010 and 2019. A mild white cheese often used in Hispanic style dishes. A mild white cheese with Maple Syrup. A mild white cheese like Monterey Jack originally made in the shape of a brick. A mild white cheese made from part skim milk.

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