
Grace fruit punch

Main Point: God’s Spirit helps us control our thoughts and actions. We must do what is right. We grace fruit punch lead godly lives in today’s world.

Review Say: For the past several weeks, we have been studying all the Fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. Can anyone tell me what this verse says? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. As we have seen, the Fruit of the Spirit grows in our lives when we are living with the Holy Spirit in us. Say: Who can name some wild animals?

Take a look at these wild animals! Let’s take a look at a short video clip. Show clip of lion tamer act. That lion tamer had control of those lions, didn’t he? Clearly, the man was in control of the lion. Can anyone guess what that means?

Through self-control, we keep ourselves from doing something bad that we shouldn’t do, and we make ourselves do good things that we should do. Say: Once again, the perfect example of this fruit, self-control, is found in Jesus. Jesus is the one person who had perfect self-control His entire life. Think about that kind of self-control! No one will knew if I punch my brother. Well, Jesus must have lived a life very different from me.

He didn’t have to live with my sister! We might think that no one ever bothered Him, or nothing ever went wrong for Him. This is not true at all! Is it easy to live with brothers and sisters without ever being annoyed or frustrated with them? But Jesus not only had self-control to keep Himself from doing wrong things. He had so much self-control that He was always able to the right things!

He always did what God wanted Him to do, even when it was very, very difficult and painful. Do you remember the story that we talk about at Easter – when Jesus was arrested and taken to the cross? On the night that Jesus was arrested, before the soldiers came to take Him, He was on the Mount of Olives praying to God. Think about all the power that Jesus had. He had healed the sick, created food to feed thousands, and cast out demons. He even raised people from the dead! Could Jesus have stopped the soldiers and the people from nailing Him to that cross?

Jesus had all the power of God at His fingertips. Jesus always had the self-control to keep Himself from sinning, and to obey God. The reason He had this amazing self-control was because He was full of the Holy Spirit, and He spent as much time as He could with His Father. Jesus had the most spiritual fruit of anyone.

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