
Keto blueberry muffins

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This Keto blueberry muffins recipe is not only incredibly tasty – it’s also super easy and on your table in 30 minutes flat. Expect a light yet moist crumb and fruity blueberry bursts. Tastes just as good as a regular blueberry muffin, only without the carb load. These light and fluffy Keto blueberry muffins are great for breakfast or as a nutritious low carb snack. These light and fluffy Keto blueberry muffins are an all-rounder – they’re great for breakfast, but also perfect as a nutritious low carb snack.

These got the thumbs up from my entire family, including the carb-lovers! These moist and fluffy Keto blueberry muffins are an all-rounder – they’re great for breakfast, but also perfect as a nutritious low carb snack. You guys, I’m SO pleased with how these muffins have turned out. They are unbelievably light and fluffy! These muffins use almond flour instead of wheat flour, which makes them low in carbs. Plus, I’m using erythritol instead of sugar to achieve a pleasant but not overpowering sweetness.

The secret ingredient of this recipe? It’s ever-so-slight tanginess makes these muffins taste super fresh – it works exceedingly well with the fruity berry bursts. It took me 3 tries to finally get them to taste EXACTLY the way I wanted. The secret was to leave out an ingredient as opposed to adding another. Ever heard the wise words “less is more”?

In my original recipe I had added butter. Butter is a wonderful thing, and we do eat a fair amount of it in this house. But it did make these low carb blueberry muffins just a bit heavy and cake-y. Leaving out the butter lightened the texture considerably.

My friends, we all thought these muffins taste just like the real thing – airy and scrumptious, with a delightfully moist crumb. Blend the eggs for a few minutes until they are frothy and have increased in volume. All the lovely air bubbles will make your muffins even lighter in texture! Then add the sour cream, vanilla extract, lemon zest and lemon juice and blend until smooth.

Use unwaxed lemons so the peel is edible. Last, add the dry ingredients – the almond flour, baking powder and erythritol. Continue blending until you have a smooth batter. TIP: Taste and adjust the sweetener if necessary. Fill the batter into muffin cups – I used paper cups for ease, but you can also use a silicone mould.

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