
Lime curd

Is Lemon Water Lime curd for You? Verywell Fit’s content is for informational and educational purposes only.

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Jonathan Valdez, RDN, CDE, CPT is a New York City-based telehealth registered dietitian nutritionist and nutrition communications expert. Many healthy eaters consume cottage cheese because of the relatively low-calorie count. Smart consumers often buy low fat or two percent cottage cheese. This version provides enough fat for flavor but not as much as the regular variety. So how do the fat and calorie count compare across the different varieties of cottage cheese? Keep in mind that a single serving of this dairy product is just 3.

5 ounces or a half cup. At mealtime, it is very easy to scoop much more than that onto your plate. So be sure to account for your full portion size if you are counting calories. There is no fiber or starch in cottage cheese. Keep in mind that some varieties of flavored cottage cheese may have more sugar or added sugars. For example, cottage cheese with fruit or honey will be higher in sugar.

The glycemic load of a four-ounce serving of cottage cheese is estimated to be about four, making it a low-glycemic food. As indicated, the fat content of cottage cheese varies depending on the type that you buy. Bodybuilders often choose cottage cheese as a snack or as part of a meal because it is a quick and convenient source of protein. A single serving provides about 11 grams of the muscle-building nutrient.

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