
Making hamburgers in the oven

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Simple Instructions to Master the Skill of Broiling Hamburgers Hamburger broiling is a great option for those who do not own grills. Moreover, it’s the best way to enjoy the flavor of yummy barbecued hamburgers in the cold winter months, when outdoor barbecues are not possible! Hamburger broiling is a great option for those who do not own grills. Moreover, it’s the best way to enjoy the flavor of yummy barbecued hamburgers in the cold winter months, when outdoor barbecues are not possible! Why Broil Broiling and grilling are similar cooking techniques, with the only difference being the direction of heat source. In grilling, heat that cooks the meat is applied from below, whereas in broiling, the heat is applied from above the food.

Now, the question arises, why broil? Broiling is a faster way of cooking meat. It preserves the natural juices in the meat. It’s a healthier way of cooking. You can eat lovely burgers even if you don’t own a grill.

It’s great when you can’t grill outdoors during the cold winters. Broiling Hamburgers in an Oven Preparing the Hamburger Patty Before preparing the oven, prepare your hamburger patties. For perfect hamburgers, don’t use frozen hamburger meat, because the moisture present in it causes the patty to fall apart. Season with salt and pepper if you want the seasoning to blend uniformly. Some prefer to season the patties just before broiling. Don’t handle the meat too much. Too much handling causes the hamburgers to become dense.

This is because the warmth of your hands melts the fat in the meat, thereby, making the patty too dense. Work with the meat as gently as possible and shape it into a half to one-inch burger patty. While shaping the patty make sure the patty is slightly bigger than the bun, because it shrinks after broiling. Moreover, this prevents the patty from having a rounded top, thereby allowing you to stack the onion, tomato and lettuce onto it. Place them gently on a plate and use cling film to cover the plate. Refrigerate for 15 minutes, so that the meat sets.

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