
Oat milk recipe

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Put the porridge oats in a bowl and cover with tap water until the oats are submerged. 4 hrs or overnight, somewhere cool, but not in the fridge. Sieve the mixture, discarding the water, and rinse under the tap for a few seconds. Tip the oats into a liquidiser, or food processor. Blend for 2-4 mins until completely smooth, and there are no oats visible.

The finer you make the mixture, the creamier the milk will be. You could also try a fine strainer or meshed coffee filter. Put the lined sieve over a bowl or jug, and pour in the oat milk. Leave to strain for 1 hr. Every once in a while, use a spoon to scrape the bottom of the cloth to disperse some of the sediment, this will help speed up the straining. When most of the liquid is in the jug, gather the sides of the muslin together and squeeze tightly with both hands to extract the last of the milk.

If you want thinner consistency, add 50ml cold water to the mix, before pouring into a bottle or container. Will keep for 2-3 days in the fridge. Porridge oats are soaked in water, then blended and strained to create a creamy, dairy-free milk substitute. What are the best oats to use for oat milk?

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