
Paula deen ooey gooey butter cake

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Sweet corn is such an easy and delicious summer staple side dish to prepare, especially in the summer. This roundup provides 26 delicious ideas about what to serve with corn on the cob to make a yummy, complete meal! A serving plate filled with cooked corn on the cob sprinkled with pepper. What about those times when you actually wish to serve this tasty side alongside other delicious food in order to create a full meal? The sweet and buttery flavors pair well with a variety of different flavors, making it a versatile food. Read on for some delicious ideas! FAQ About Corn On The Cob Can corn on the cob be frozen?

Corn on the cob can be frozen. Freeze ripe corn still in the husk, wrapped in foil. It can also be frozen after being cooked. Either wrap in foil or cut from the cob and place in a ziploc bag. Is corn on the cob keto? Because of the amount of carbs in corn, it is not considered to be compliant with a keto diet.

Can corn on the cob be microwaved? Corn on the cob can be cooked in a microwave. Place ears of corn on a microwave-safe plate and cover with plastic wrap. Four ears of corn will cook in approximately 5 minutes on high power.

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