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How is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 18 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 156,197 times. Have you ever wanted to make wonderful coffee taste just like Starbucks? All you need are ingredients you probably already have around your kitchen.

Just follow these simple steps and you’ll think you were in the house of the green siren herself. Use the right proportion of coffee to water. A member of Starbucks’ Coffee Education Team says that “Too few coffee grounds result in over-extracted or bitter coffee. Too many grounds result in under-extracted coffee that does not achieve the full flavor of the blend.

This step implies that you are, in fact, grinding your coffee. If you want to make your brew taste just like Starbucks, don’t buy pre-ground coffee. Grind it yourself just before brewing for optimum freshness. To make it taste like Starbucks coffee, you might want to use the blends available for purchase at Starbucks franchises.

This may seem like a silly point. To make Starbucks-quality coffee, always use fresh water, filtered of impurities. Additionally, be sure to heat the water to “just off boil,” i. As alluded to in Step 3, it’s important to use fresh coffee.

This means grinding it yourself immediately prior to brewing, but also keeping your beans in an airtight container. Be sure not to keep your coffee in refrigerator or freezer, even in airtight containers. Select the brewing method that works for you. Now that you’re following Starbucks’ Four Fundamentals of brewing, it’s time to select a brewing method. Coffee press is the method of brewing most strongly advocated by coffee connoisseurs, as it is believed to be the most effective at staying true to the flavor profile of the beans. A coffee press requires a coarse grind, so be sure your grounds resemble the size of sea salt. Place the plunger back on the press but wait four minutes before pressing it down, giving the coffee time to brew.

After you’ve pressed the plunger down, enjoy your coffee! Drip brewing is perhaps the most convenient method of brewing. You can make multiple cups of coffee in a single brew, and you can do it fast. With the right grind, quality of beans, and pure, fresh water, you can make a brew that rivals that of a coffee press. For flat-bottom filters be sure to use a medium-sized grind, like the sea salt grind used for a coffee press. While the convenience is tempting, if you want Starbucks-quality coffee every time, only make however much coffee you need for one sitting.

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