
Steelhead trout

There’s more to Riverence steelhead than great taste and texture. Rated steelhead trout a Monterey Bay Seafood Watch “Best Choice” green option, our fish are respectfully raised from our own eggs alongside Idaho’s Snake River.

We’re focused on protecting wild salmon and trout through responsible aquaculture, and being good stewards of the environment. We respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam. This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 28 October 2021. Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. Freshwater forms that have been introduced into the Great Lakes and migrate into tributaries to spawn are also called steelhead. Coloration varies widely based on subspecies, forms and habitat.

Wild-caught and hatchery-reared forms of the species have been transplanted and introduced for food or sport in at least 45 countries and every continent except Antarctica. Introductions to locations outside their native range in the United States, Southern Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South America have damaged native fish species. Some local populations of specific subspecies, or in the case of steelhead, distinct population segments, are listed as either threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. 1836 to honor Meredith Gairdner, a Hudson’s Bay Company surgeon at Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River who provided Richardson with specimens. These names faded once it was determined that Walbaum’s description of type specimens was conspecific and therefore had precedence.

Thus, in 1989, taxonomic authorities moved the rainbow, cutthroat, and other Pacific Basin trout into the genus Oncorhynchus. The previous species names irideus and gairdneri were adopted as subspecies names for the coastal rainbow and Columbia River redband trout, respectively. Pacific Ocean tributaries from Aleutian Islands in Alaska south to Southern California. Anadromous forms are known as steelhead, freshwater forms as rainbow trout. Lake Washington Ship Canal Fish Ladder pamphlet – ocean phase Steelhead. Lake Washington Ship Canal Fish Ladder pamphlet – male freshwater phase Steelhead. Found in the Columbia River and its tributaries in Montana, Washington and Idaho.

Anadromous forms are known as redband steelhead. Behnke as a form of O. Carl of the Ontario Ministry of Resources, Aquatic Ecosystems Research Section and associates from work published in 1994. Native to Sheepheaven Creek, Siskiyou County, California. Sheepheaven Creek redband were transplanted into Swamp Creek in 1972 and 1974 and into Trout Creek in 1977.

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