
Things to do on valentine’s day near me

BRIT Certified UK record labels association the BPI things to do on valentine’s day near me and certifies the iconic BRIT Certified Platinum, Gold and Silver Awards Programme. This recognises and celebrates the commercial success of music recordings and videos released in the UK.

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For more information on how we use your postcode to deliver the best content to you, see our Privacy Notice. For further information about how we protect your data and your rights, please view our Privacy Notice. It seems like every day there’s a new natural remedy being touted by magazines, doctors, and even your best friend. Because green tea isn’t processed very much, it’s loaded with catechins—a type of antioxidant that fights free radicals and repairs damaged cells. I learned how to make great iced tea.

When most people think of drinking tea, they might imagine sitting in a chair and sipping a hot beverage. While that sounds great and relaxing, I’m a busy mom of a toddler, and I don’t get to do a lot of sitting still. So rather than risk burning myself while rushing around, I opted to make large batches of iced tea that I stored in the refrigerator. Plain green tea can be kind of bitter, but there’s an easy fix: You can buy flavored green tea, or you can flavor it yourself. I had a lot of fun experimenting on my own.

My favorite combination was green tea infused with cinnamon, berries, and a little honey. My drink of choice is normally water, but when I do crave something with a bit more flavor I usually reach for sugar-free iced tea—but by sugar-free, I really mean artificially sweetened with aspartame. I started drinking green tea in mid-September, just as the change of seasons was bringing a wave of colds and other viruses to my home in New England. Three weeks into my experiment, my daughter and husband both came down with a terrible cold and sore throat.

My toddler was the sickest she had ever been, and even ended up in the hospital with dehydration. Yet somehow I managed not to get sick. I paid more attention to my overall health. Although I had only committed to drinking one glass of green tea a day, that tiny resolution kept me thinking more about my health in general.

I learned how to unwind without wine. On weekend nights, when my daughter is in bed and my husband and I are still up chatting, I used to pour myself a glass of wine. I lost a little weight, but I’m not sure it was the green tea. During the month I was drinking green tea I did shed a few pounds, but I didn’t lose any more than I had been every month since I started eating healthier and exercising consistently.

Sadly, I wouldn’t count on green tea for a fat-burning boost. Still, I can say without a doubt that drinking green tea has benefits: It helped me ditch artificial sweeteners and wine, and generally kept me in a healthy mindset. And while my month-long experiment is now up, I’m sure I’ll still pour myself a cup whenever I’m craving a flavorful drink because it tastes so good. Is green tea a magical potion that solves all health woes?

But I do think it can be one piece of the puzzle of living a healthy lifestyle. Kelly Burch is a freelance writer and editor living in New Hampshire. She shares stories of addiction, mental illness and anything else that catches her interest. Which Is Healthier: Chicken or Tofu? Is It Healthy to Eat Nuts Every Day? Is There Such a Thing As a Perfect Day of Eating? 5 0 25 0 25 0h-.

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