
Winter melon

Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults. The honeydew winter melon is one of the two main cultivar types in Cucumis melo Inodorus Group. It is characterized by the smooth rind and lack of musky odor.

The other main type in the Inodorus Group is the wrinkle-rind casaba melon. It generally ranges in weight from 1. The flesh is usually pale green in color, while the smooth peel ranges from greenish to yellow. Like most fruit, honeydew has seeds. This fruit grows best in semiarid climates and is harvested based on maturity, not size.


Honeydew” is in fact the American name for the White Antibes cultivar which has been grown for many years in southern France and Algeria. In China, honeydews are known as Bailan melons. They are famous locally near Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu province in China’s northwest. According to Chinese sources, the melons were introduced to China by American Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. Southeast Asia that is used in Indian and Chinese cuisine.

University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension. Honeydews Archived 2017-05-06 at the Wayback Machine. Good Eats video with Alton Brown, “Melondrama”. At 4:00 into the video, the method of choosing a melon is stated.

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